I’m Sophie, with a Bachelor’s degree in Public Relations and a Master’s degree in Global Digital Management with an Audiovisual specialization.
Many people seek to obtain a better image of themselves and feel good in their body and in their mind. This is what pushed me to study nutrition and life coaching as well as stress management coaching.

I am a Certified Nutrition and Dietetics Consultant and neuropractitioner specializing in life coaching and stress management. I work on the functioning of your brain to understand why and how you act not only in relation to nutrition but also in your daily actions. I therefore offer personalized global life and nutrition coaching to help achieve a weight loss goal; weight gain ; better lifestyle or general well-being. I help you understand the origin of your stress and manage it. The goal is to make my coachees autonomous at the end of the coaching. I support you in becoming the best version of yourself.
I also offer basic nutrition courses.

My coaching is aimed at children, adolescents, adults looking for mass gain, weight loss, achieving a sporting goal or even a better lifestyle.
I also support athletes looking for nutrition adapted to their training or also if they have to compete.

My specializations:

  • Hypercholesterolemia;
  • Diabetes;
  • Stress and Burnout;
  • Healthy nutrition & well-being;
  • Food assessment;
  • Nutritional rehabilitation;
  • Sports nutrition;
  • Stress management;
  • Life Coaching;
  • Personal development;
  • Self-confidence;
  • Boundaries;
  • Interpersonal communication.

Sibylle Malphettes

      • Adult
      • Child / Teenager
      • Couple
      • Family
      • Coaching
      • On line
      • Aggression
      • Aggressiveness
      • Anxiety
      • Stop smoking
      • Burn-out
      • Depression
      • Addiction game
      • Grief
      • Relationship difficulties
      • Academic difficulties
      • Physical and mental disabilities
      • Hypersensitivity
      • Chronic pain
      • High potential
      • Phobias
      • Professional orientation
      • PMA
      • Stress
      • Trauma
      • Sleep problems
      • Eating disorders
      • Psychotic disorders

No need to hesitate, just take the fist step and get in touch !

Do you have other questions or concerns (for example how a psychologist can help you with your problem)? Just call our secretariat to make an appointment or send an email to the secretariat of Expats Brussels, to the attention of the psychologist of your choice.

Alix van der Vaeren

  • Online Consultation